6 Things I learned from working from the road

Words by Caroline Simensen

Imagine an office that provides unlimited inspiration, a place that actively decreases your stress levels and instantly enhances your mental health. A place without limits, where your ideas and dreams can flow, flexibility is paramount and you are surrounded by the very thing that gives you life.

Welcome to Earth Office – a movement that questions the way we work by demonstrating endless benefits that come when you work without walls. Does life on the road interest you? Our good friend Caroline has explored the unconventional way of working by taking her work and passion on the road. Here are a few things she learned from working on the road.

Working from the road: 6 key learnings

1. There is truth in the saying ‘watch more sunsets than Netflix’

Starting with the most important quote of our millennial lifetime. We all should be watching more sunsets than Netflix. It is a well-known (and scientific) fact that being out in nature and reducing your screen time is conditioning for the soul. Immersing yourself in mother nature’s goodness is inspiring, calming and stress diminishing. You will wake up feeling more relaxed and ready to take on a new day. Plus, life on the road means you can wake up just about anywhere you like. 

2. Being out in nature and reducing screen time outside working hours is imperative for your mental wellbeing.

We are all guilty of it, scrolling, scrolling, and scrolling through multiple social networking sites until it’s time to do something else. We get it, we all do it but have you ever thought about adopting a no screen time outside of working hours habit?When working on the road it is easy to let the boundaries between work and real-life slip so our unwritten rule of zero screen time once the workload is complete is key. It allows our mind to chill, gives mental clarity, and keeps us refreshed and relaxed ready to take on a new day when we wake. 

3. Wake up and watch that sunrise

When living on the road all hours and time constraints are thrown out of the window. You are on your own time now and the Earth office has no clock in or clock out giving you ample amount of time to soak up the realness of work-life and the flexibility to enjoy the little moments that are often overlooked during a conventional workday.We make sure we wake early and going for a morning dip, taking long strolls on the beach in the morning before picking up our phones, and take the time to make coffee on the beach while watching the sunrise, all of the above make for a healthier, happier soul. 

4. People are awesome, talk to them 

When you are on the road, you meet THE best people. That is the truth! People are amazing and you never know who or what you might find while on the road. A community of like-minded people awaits and all it takes is a simple hello.They say that some of our greatest life lessons come from strangers and we love the random uniqueness of running into such folk. The memories you create may be fleeting, they may be long-lasting but most of all they are valuable. Put down your phone, put away the laptop and leap into new real-life connections, it may be one of the best things you do while on the road. 

5. No reception is the best reception unless you have a conference call 

Sometimes we forget that we still have real-life adulting to do while on the road and exploring new places can sometimes come with its limitations. Be sure to plan your route or meetings around some 4G coverage so you are not left hanging when trying to make important business calls.

Book a campsite with awesome WIFI and get your important face-to-face work done there.

Our biggest tip here is to book a campsite with awesome WIFI and get your important face-to-face work done here. If you have meetings or conference calls try and collate them into one day so you can free up the rest of your workweek. After all, it shouldn’t be all work and no play. 

6. Less is more in a campervan 

Less is more, less is more, need we say it again? Two people and one small desk can be pretty tight in a campervan especially on a wet weather day. Challenge yourself and expand the horizon in this new way of working, but perhaps look at booking a bigger van if you are planning to be on the road for longer. The moment you minimise your lifestyle you minimise your stress.

Life on the road should be a breeze and that process starts in the planning and packing stages. Bring the bare minimum in terms of clothing and accessories, as long as you have your work tools, some clothes, a swimsuit, and a good view you should be set, right?

Working and living on the road is a match made in vanlife heaven. The freedom to live as you please on your schedule releases your creative being and productivity will be at an all-time high, we promise you that. Are you keen to explore the possibilities of working on the road and securing your desk in the Earth office?
Check out our friends at Camplify to find the perfect ‘working without walls’ van to try it for yourself.